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Enormous Rock Masses Buried Eight People On A Hiking Trail In Bergell

WEB: Massive rockfall five years ago

Enormous rock masses buried eight people on a hiking trail in Bergell

More than three million cubic meters of scree fell from the north face of the 3369-meter Pizzo Cengalo five years ago

On August 23, 2017, a massive rockfall occurred on the north face of Pizzo Cengalo in the Bergell region of Switzerland. More than three million cubic meters of rock and scree crashed down onto a hiking trail, burying eight people. The rockfall was one of the largest in Switzerland in recent history.

The victims of the rockfall were all members of a hiking group from Germany. They were hiking on a popular trail that leads to the summit of Pizzo Cengalo. The rockfall occurred without warning, and the hikers had no time to escape.

The rockfall caused widespread damage to the hiking trail and the surrounding area. Large boulders were scattered across the trail, and the path was completely blocked. The rockfall also caused damage to nearby buildings and infrastructure.

The recovery operation for the victims of the rockfall was complex and difficult. The terrain was unstable, and there was a risk of further rockfalls. The recovery operation took several days, and the bodies of all eight victims were eventually recovered.

The rockfall on Pizzo Cengalo was a tragic event. The loss of eight lives is a reminder of the dangers of hiking in mountainous terrain. The rockfall also highlighted the importance of being prepared for the unexpected when hiking.

In the years since the rockfall, the hiking trail on Pizzo Cengalo has been rebuilt. The trail has been rerouted to avoid the area where the rockfall occurred. The trail is now considered to be safe for hikers, but it is important to be aware of the risks involved in hiking in mountainous terrain.
